Scholarships Separate from College-issued Funding
Scholarships support your college education. The resources on this site do not include those awarded to you as an incoming student. The scholarships offered on this site is separate from College-issued funding you may be receiving.
Additional Information Before Applying
Application for some of the scholarships on this site require the assistance of an appointed campus liaison or faculty advisor and may have campus deadlines well before the published national deadline. It is important that you contact that liaison or advisor well ahead (3 months) of the national deadline. Questions? Don’t hesitate to make an appointment to clarify requirements and other options that may also be a good fit!
Scholarships for Students With Disabilities
The following link provides a list of scholarships for students with physical and cognitive disabilities.
Scholarship Opportunities
Scholarships are listed in alphabetical order below. See the links on the sidebar to filter your search.
Overview of Competitive Scholarships and Fellowships
A list of scholarships and fellowships in the United States and abroad organized by class year.
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AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships
AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships are designed to help fund education in photography, illustration, and design disciplines for underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students studying in the United States.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Scholarships
The A.G. Bell Scholarship provides $1,500-$2,500 scholarships for students who are deaf and hard of hearing and are pursuing a degree at an accredited university.
Alpha Lambda Delta Graduate Fellowship
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society members are eligible to apply for graduate fellowships ranging from $2000 – $7000 to help offset graduate school costs.
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Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program provides financial assistance for undergraduate students to use for study abroad.
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Benjamin and Cherie Gubin Scholarship
The Benjamin and Cherie Gubin Scholarship provides up to $2,000 to a graduate of a Kalamazoo County high school or who resided in Kalamazoo County during their high school senior year for graduate or professional school.
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BMI Foundation Student Awards
BMI Foundations offers a series of scholarships for various music and art related fellowships and awards. Some geographical restrictions may apply. Most scholarships are open to citizens of a country in the Western Hemisphere, but require either current or previous attendance at a US university.
Boren Fellowship for International Study
Up to $30,000 for support of international experience or language study in select countries as part of your graduate studies. Requires a Federal Government service obligation. Deadline, mid January. Apply through the CIP.
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Bridging Scholarship
The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan.
Critical Language Scholarship
The Critical Language Scholarship offers fully paid (including travel) intensive summer study of select languages. November deadline. Apply through the Kalamazoo College Center for International Programs.
Davies-Jackson Scholarship
The Davies-Jackson Scholarship Two years of study at the University of Cambridge (England) for first generation college students with exceptional academic records (3.7 min GPA) in select non-science fields (Archaeology; Classics; Economics; Education; English; Geography; History; History of Art; History and Modern Languages; History and Politics; Human, Social, and Political Sciences; Mathematics; Modern and Medieval…
Davis Putter Scholarship
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund aids people active in movements for social and economic justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to students who are able to do academic work at the college or university level or are enrolled in a trade or technical program and who are active in the progressive movement.
Freeman Scholarship
The Freeman Scholarship offers scholarships for undergraduates with financial need to study in Asia.
Gates Cambridge Scholarship
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship covers the full cost of post-graduate study at Cambridge University for up to three years. The deadlines for US citizens is mid-October. Deadlines for international students vary (either early December of early January) depending on course of study. Check website for details What it covers: One round-trip economy airfareCambridge tuition and…
Global Korea Scholarship
The Global Korea Scholarship provides funding for a Master’s or PhD program at Korean universities.
Herbert Lee Stetson Graduate Fellowship
Former Kalamazoo College president Herbert Lee Stetson, in his will, provided an endowmentfor a fellowship: “to be given to Kalamazoo College for a graduate of the institution to pursuework at one of the following universities: Harvard, Yale, Johns Hopkins, or [University of]Chicago, or at a European university.” The fellowship is not to be used towards…
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Hertz Fellowship
The Hertz Fellowship provides PhD fellowships to individuals studying in the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering, at over 40 participating universities. Applicants are required to direct their work toward understanding and solving major, near-term problems facing society. Finalists for the Hertz Fellowship can apply for the additional Hertz Fellowship in Global Health…
Heyl Graduate Fellowship to Yale
For Heyl Graduate Fellowships to Yale, any graduate of Kalamazoo College who has majored in one of the exact sciences – chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, computer science, or any cross-disciplinary combinations of any of the foregoing—and who is a candidate for a Ph.D. degree in an eligible field at Yale University may apply.
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IIE Directory of Study Abroad Funding
Check out the Institute of International Education’s searchable database of funding for international internships, scholarships, grants and fellowships.
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Immigrants Rising Scholarship and Fellowship List
A list compiled by Immigrants Rising of both undergraduate and graduate/post-graduate scholarships and fellowships that do not require proof of citizenship or legal permanent residency.
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James Madison Fellowship
The James Madison Fellowship is for students planning to teach secondary school in American history, American government or social studies.
Joseph James Morelli Legacy Foundation Scholarships
The Joseph James Morelli Legacy Foundation Scholarships are available to applicants with a demonstrated learning challenge (disability) of dyslexia or similar reading and/or language-based disability. Scholarships are awarded annually in the amount of $500 to $2,500. Historically, approximately 20% of applicants are awarded a scholarship. Awardees may apply the scholarship funds towards the following: tuition,…
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Josephine de Karman Scholarship
The Josephine de Karman Scholarship provides 8 scholarships of $14,000 each for undergraduate students of any discipline who maintain high academic standards.
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Knight-Hennessy Scholars
Knight-Hennessy Scholars receive full funding to pursue any graduate degree at Stanford University. This includes the JD, MA, MBA, MD, MFA, MS, and PhD programs, as well as all joint- and dual-degrees. Open to all students; citizens and non-citizens. (Visit website for deadlines).
Luce Scholars Program
The Luce Scholars Program is a nationally competitive fellowship that offers early-career leaders immersive, professional experiences in Asia. We aim to forge stronger relationships across geographic borders by creating opportunities for young Americans to deepen their ties and understanding of the countries, cultures, and people of Asia. Open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, the…
Marshall Scholarship
The British Marshall Scholarships were founded by an Act of British Parliament in 1953 and commemorate the humane ideals of the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan). These scholarships are awarded to young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. The objectives of the program are to express the gratitude…
McCall MacBain Scholarships
The McCall MacBain Scholarships provide funding for a master’s degree or second-entry professional undergraduate program at McGill University. The scholarship covers tuition and fees for enrollment, a living stipend, and a relocation grant for moving to Montréal. This program creates a community of scholars and leaders who come together as a cohort during annual summer…
Mitchell Scholarship
The Mitchell Scholarship funds one year of graduate study at an Ireland or Northern Ireland university. Includes travel, tuition, housing, and stipend. Mid-September campus deadline.
National Association of Social Workers
The National Association of Social Workers offers both scholarships and fellowships for MSW candidates.
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National Health Service Corps Scholarship
The National Health Service Corps Scholarship is a program run by the US Department of Health and Human Services scholarships for health professions (MD, DO, DDS, PA). Minimum two-year service obligation. May 15 deadline.
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National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
Each year the National Science Foundation awards approximately 1,000 three-year Graduate Fellowships. NSF Fellows are expected to contribute significantly to research, teaching and industrial applications in science, mathematics and engineering. You do not have to be accepted to a graduate program to apply and being awarded an NSF Fellowship can enhance your graduate school applications. …
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NBC Universal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship
The NBC Universal Tony Coelho Media Scholarship offers eight (8) scholarships to be used in the fall semester of 2022 to incoming and undergraduate students (at any accredited college or university), and graduate students with disabilities who are pursuing careers in media, communications, or entertainment industries that will be enrolled in college or a university during Fall…
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Niles Donovan Scholarship
The Nancy C. Niles Donovan Scholarship provides a minimum $1,000 award to a Kalamazoo or St. Joseph County resident or graduate of a high school within Kalamazoo or St. Joseph County to attend the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine.
Organization for Autism Research
The Organization for Autism Research site contains three different scholarships for students with autism. Organization for Autism Research
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Quad Fellowship
The Quad Fellowship is an opportunity that was created through the collaboration of the United States, Australia, India, and Japan designed to foster connections between the next generation of scientists and technologists. This program will sponsor 100 STEM applicants’ master’s and doctorate studies in the United States. Applicants must be a citizen of one of…
S. Rudolph Light Medical Education Scholarship
The S. Rudolph Light Medical Education Scholarship provides Kalamazoo County residents with up to $2,500 to pursue medical school, dental school, or a master’s of nursing.
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Schwarzman Scholars Program
The Schwarzman Scholars Program is a one year Master’s Degree in public policy, economics and business or international studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
Steps for Doug
Steps 4 Doug provides scholarships to families impacted by an ALS Diagnosis. Each year they provide a number of scholarships to those whose family has been impacted by ALS. There are a number of factors that go into awarding each scholarship, but the main considerations are level of connectedness to ALS, financial need, and academic aspirations. Steps…
Taiwan Scholarship
The Taiwan Scholarship provides tuition, fees, and living stipend to attend graduate school at a Taiwanese university. You must apply separately for admission to the Taiwanese University.
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
The Barry Goldwater Scholarship provides scholarships to college sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering. The Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the number of highly-qualified professionals the Nation needs in these critical fields.
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The Lime Connect Fellowship Program
The Lime Connect Fellowship Program is designed for rising juniors with disabilities. The program guides Fellows through the summer internship recruitment process; connects them with some of the world’s leading corporations for potential internships; deepens their leadership skills; builds their confidence as a person with a disability; engages them in a Lime Connect Fellowship community consisting of current and…
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The National Science Foundation
Each year the National Science Foundation awards approximately 1,000 three-year Graduate Fellowships. NSF Fellows are expected to contribute significantly to research, teaching, and industrial applications in science, mathematics, and engineering. You do not have to be accepted to a graduate program to apply and being awarded an NSF Fellowship can enhance your graduate school applications. If you…
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The Voyager Scholarship
The Voyager Scholarship is available to all rising juniors with a GPA of 3.0 or above with a commitment to public service. The scholarship provides up to $25,000 per year to recipients for their junior and senior years of college. Recipients will also receive a $10,000 stopped and free housing for a summer work-travel experience…
Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship
The Thermo Scientific Pierce Scholarship is an opportunity for biology and chemistry majors of all levels, including seniors heading tograduate school, to earn up to $10,000 for undergraduate or graduate school.
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Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
The Tylenol Future Care Scholarship provides funding for students in healthcare related fields including human medicine, dentistry, nursing, and public health.
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