Application for Travel Support for Student Off-Campus Educational Experiences

Kalamazoo College has limited funding for the academic year to help offset student travel expenses for travel related to off-campus educational experiences. Grants may cover up to 50 percent of documented allowable expenses. The limited scope of this funding means that an individual may receive a maximum of $500 or a group may apply for a maximum of $1,000.

Application Timeline

Applications must be submitted to the Office of the Provost at least two weeks before the anticipated travel date. Proposals will be reviewed within two weeks of their submission. Students should apply as early as possible as funds may run out.

What Do We Fund?

This fund can be used for student travel to permit students to participate in conferences, workshops, or other activities that are educational in nature. “Educational in nature” is necessarily vague, but is meant to include activities related to the classroom experience as well as to activities that might be outside the more traditional interpretation of academic, as long as there are clear learning and educational purposes and goals for the given activity. Examples of successfully funded applications include: travel related to activity in courses that students are taking at the College; academic research projects in which students are involved (for instance, presenting papers at academic conferences).

What Don’t We Fund?

We will not fund student athletic organizations or non-registered student groups or social clubs. We also do not support actual research activity related to the SIP, externship/internship related activity, or activity related to postgraduate education or employment. Examples of proposals we have not funded include: participation in workshop/ conference for personal, social, or career development that does not have a clear intellectual or educational focus; participation in protests or rallies; activities without substantive learning/educational purposes; activities with groups or sponsors that do not appear to be legitimate.

Example: Chicago, IL for Undergraduate Art Historian Conference)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
In the event that the student/group does not have a “sponsor,” then someone will need to be identified who can serve in this role.
What is the total overall cost of attending/participating in this experience?
Budget Detail(Required)
List out the different aspect of the project/program cost, how it fits in to the needs to conduct the project along with how you arrived at that number, and the amount needed for that aspect of the project. Use the plus sign to the right of the cost field if you need to add another line item to your budget.
Requested Item/Component
How much money are you requesting from the College for this experience?
Other Funding Sources & Amounts(Required)
Please list other sources of funding you have already identified, and the amount provided by each source. Put each source in a separate line.
Funding Source
Funding Amount
Write and upload a statement not to exceed 500 words indicating: (a) how the proposed travel will benefit the student’s Kalamazoo education with clear learning/educational goals (b) how the student will share her/his experience with other students upon return to campus–a detailed description of this is critical to acceptance of the proposal (A solid example of sharing back is: “I have confirmed with Dr. X that I will present my paper and talk about my experience at X conference at the X department student gathering scheduled for 3rd week of spring quarter”; a weak example is: “I hope to possibly share the information I learned at the conference in one of the intro classes sometime in the fall.” Plans to share back must be specific, timely, and relevant.) (c) how the travel reflects the goals of the College’s Mission Statement
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.