Q: What are some extracurricular activities that I can participate in while on Fulbright?
A: Interaction with the Local Community
“Aside from my primary teaching responsibilities, I’ve also been organizing an online English club, taking Romanian lessons, and playing in a children’s band at the local music school.” -Brett Fitzgerald (Ungheni, Moldova)
“Along with classes, I’ve gotten to participate in school events like their new year’s tradition.” -Margaret Totten (Thailand)
Q: What are opportunities that the Fulbright program may expose me to?
A: Fellowships
“Eventually, I would like to come back to Moldova and serve in the Peace Corps.” -Brett Fitzgerald (Ungheni, Moldova)
A: Travel
“I’ve gotten to see parts of Germany that I wasn’t able to during my study abroad.” -Matthew Flotemersch (Hamburg, Germany)
A: Graduate School
“My current goal is to begin a graduate program at an institution in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.” -Matthew Flotemersch (Hamburg, Germany)
A: Friendship and Social Connections
“I’ve gotten to be close friends with my cohort of ETAs in Thailand. We keep in touch and are a support system for each other.” -Margaret Totten (Thailand)
A: Developing your Own Research
“I feel very optimistic about this research project and love what I’m doing! I genuinely feel excited to go into lab every day and work on these data-it’s truly a privilege. These data are so interconnected with real people who bore witness to such a tragic event, that it feels like with every bit of progress made on my research project, I am making a big difference in helping survivors with PTSD.” -Molly Roberts (France)
Q: What does Fulbrighter supervision look like?
A: Independence
“It’s completely up to you to do everything and update Fulbright…There’s nobody regularly checking on what you’re doing…I am my own boss.” -Brett Fitzgerald (Ungheni, Moldova)
Q: What are skills that proved to be valuable to have while on Fulbright?
A: Knowledge of the Language and Culture
“My study abroad in Erlangen of course helped me improve my German, but equally important is how it prepared me for the unique challenges of settling into a new culture; this is something that I’m especially thankful for now that I’m living and working in northern Germany for the first time.” -Matthew Flotemersch (Hamburg, Germany)
A: Teaching Experience
“I’ve had a lot of fun teaching English from beginning to advanced students and utilizing my experiences as a German TA at K to get them excited about language learning.” Katie Miller-Purrenhage (Germany)